
Showing posts from June, 2017

Hypothyroidism Diet - Think Before You Eat

By Ryan English This disease is particularly a thyroid disorder, which can be cured by thyroid hormone pills and hypothyroidism diet. The thyroid gland is situated in front of your throat and below Adam's apple. This gland is responsible to produce hormones that take care of proper functioning of body metabolism. If your thyroid works efficiently, its regular release ensures normal functioning of systems at normal level. If the thyroid is unable to produce sufficient amounts of hormones, then this condition is referred as under active thyroid disorder or it can be said that hypothyroidism has occurred. There is variety of symptoms exhibited by this disease and is prominently found in women above age 50. Symptoms of hypothyroidism The initial symptoms are so faint that it can go unnoticed for years. But if proper precautions are not taken at the right time, hypothyroidism may lead to severe health issues like heart attack or strokes, joint pain and other heart disease...

Tips for Exercising With Hypothyroidism

By Jessica Devaro Choose the right time of the day - morning is usually the best time to exercise for most people. But with hypothyroidism, this may not be the best time for you. You will likely wake up already feeling exhausted. Exercise can be a great treatment for hypothyroidism, but you must determine when you are most energetic and exercise at this time. This may be in the evening, in the afternoon, or late in the morning. And if fatigue continues to be a problem, then you must focus on undemanding exercises like yoga or walking. Build muscle - this may be the last thing on your exercising to-do list. But building muscle is important in many ways. Not only will you be strong, but having more muscle has been proven to burn more fat by increasing metabolism, even when you are at rest. There are lots of exercises you can use to build muscle. If you would like to do them at home, then you can buy free weights to use. Alternatively, you can build muscle with strength ...

Commonly Known and Lesser Known Hypothyroid Symptoms

By Christine Wiebe When hypothyroidism begins, several things happen, usually gradually. The first is lack of energy and ambition. You just seem to lose desire for activities you've enjoyed in the past. You feel unusually tired and apathetic, but can't figure out why. You begin to crave carbs and begin to snack regularly. This is your body's way of trying to stay awake. You'll try not to give into it, and when you can't fight the cravings, you set yourself up for horrible eating habits and weight gain that are difficult to reverse. You might already be taking some thyroid supplements, but they're obviously not enough. Warning: if you are taking prescribed thyroid medication for underactive thyroid, do not add kelp as it will raise your blood pressure to frightening and dangerous levels. I learned this the hard way. I have been a hypothyroid sufferer for 30 years. I was originally diagnosed by an old-fashioned European doctor. He was a gem. Then I h...